Psychedelic frog

Comment Finished date 2023-07-22
I just needed a pop of colour, so when this frog reference appeared in the WDE, I just went with it. A very unplanned painting, maybe that is why it took quite a while even though it is a small canvas. Media Acrylic and acrylic marker
Canvas No brand
Size 20 x 20 cm
Reference WDE230721
My post here

Finished at about three hours

At the two hours mark (with a printout of the reference)

The sketch on the canvas with acrylic markers on a canvas I started another painting on

I have also participated in the WDE230707, but I wasn't too happy with the results, so I didn't post them

Water lily, 90 minutes, acrylic on a 20x20 cm canvas

City landscape, acrylic on 24 x 30 cm canvas. It took more than two hours, eventually I lost track of time

Due to popular demand, I painted another frog

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© Mona Pihl