Pet Portrait Exchange

Start date: 2010-08-07
Project Leader
: Just Chaos
Project Details - Project Discussion - My entries

When Jean started a pet portrait exchange the temptation was just to great to resist, even with the staggering prospect of painting 29 pet portraits. It will take me a while though. For this project, all of the participants have posted pictures of their pets. I then select a pet from each of the participants, paint it and send the painting to the pet owner. By the end of this I will have a big collection of portraits of our cats.

These are all ATC size, on Langton CP paper and painted with Winsor & Newton watercolors and ink.

If you are a participant of this project, don't scroll down any further unless you already have recieved your card. I post the paintings here as soon as they are done and yours might be on it's way to you.

Title: Puss Sent to: AnimalDoctor in the UK Title: Droid Sent to: Just Chaos in the US
Title: Dolly Sent to: Geminisinger in the US Title: Friday  Sent to: Jeanne in the US
Title: Jack Sent to: BlueMoonStar in the US Title: Wil Sent to: PurplePei in Australia
Title: Belle Sent to: RubyRedDog in the US Title: Brin  Sent to: RainySea in the US
Title: Bella Sent to: TaniaBee in South Africa Title: Quecee Sent to: Brezart in the US
Title: Kola Sent to: Arnica in the US Title: Maggie Sent to: Bigs in Australia

Title: Victor Sent to: Anviss in Belgium

Title: Clawdette  Sent to: KerryOriginals in the US Title: Tillie  Sent to: Lonelm in the US
Title: Poppy  Sent to: Marmsk in Spain Title: Sushi Sent to: Colorfur Critters in the US Title: Anna Sent to: Rmbuckeye in the US
Title: Codi  Sent to: Artastic in Canada Title: Marigold Sent to: SwampDonk in the US

Title: Splash Sent to: Marda in the US

Title: Abbey  Sent to: KittieRue in the US Title: Gateway  Sent to: ArbySD in the US Title: Birch  Sent to: AlaskaBoers in the US
Title: Ari  Sent to: Robert Sloan in the US Title: O'Malley  Sent to: MayDayBlue Title: Trollkotten  Not sent

I also did portraits of our own pets

Title: Sandy  Our pet Title: Eliza  Our pet
Title: Peleus Our pet

© Mona Pihl